Heathen Kinship Blessings

The purpose of the blessing is to align oneself with the natural order of the world, to feel more in tune with Mother Earth, the sun, the moon, the progression of the stars and planets.  It gives some of us that live busy lives in the city something we can do throughout the day to remind of us what's really going on and what's really important.  Here in the Heathen Kinship we have found that Just simply doing this 4 times a day for 2 weeks straight, without missing even 1 of the adorations is not only next to impossible, but gives you a tremendous sense of closeness to the gods, and especially to Sunna.   I don't know exactly why it works, but it does!   (I've never used a "wand" "gand" staff, sword or anything else but my finger to do this ritual with... cause.. well..  I'm not Harry Potter!)   None of the rituals below are "historically accurate"  As far as we know the Viking or Ancient Germanic Tribes, Angles, Jutes or Saxons never did anything like this..   But they MAY have!!  But we do know that it does its intended purpose and helps you feel closer to the gods.

Sunna Adoration - Sunrise

At sunrise or when you awaken (after performance of both the relaxation and Hammer Signing rituals) face your harrow to the North. With your gand (wand), staff, sword, etc. draw a line of golden light clockwise, until you face the East, ring bell or chime three (3) times. When the sound dies, stand in the elk rune posture ( z ) and say:

Hail unto the who art Sunna, Goddess of the Sun,
In thy rising
Even unto thee who art Sunna,
In thy strength
Deliver another drop of purest light to empower us
With thy goodness
We send the greetings from the Dawn Tide
Of the day.

Noon Adoration to Sunna

At noon perform both the relaxation and Hammer Signing rituals. Face your harrow to the North. With your gand (wand), staff, sword, etc. draw a line of golden light clockwise, until you face the East, ring bell or chime three (3) times. Draw a Hammer in the East, then continue tracing the line of power to the south and again make the Hammer sign, the chime or bell is again sounded three (3) times. Stand in the elk rune posture (z) and say:

Hail unto thee who art Sunna, Goddess of the Sun,
In thy fullness
Even unto thee who art Sunna,
In thy highest stead
Deliver another drop of purest light to empower us
With thy wisdom
We send thee greetings from the Noon Tide
Of the day.

Sunna Adoration - Sunset

At sunset (after performance of both the relaxation and Hammer Signing rituals) face your harrow to the North. With your gand (wand), staff, sword, etc. draw a line of golden light clockwise, until you face the East, ring bell or chime three (3) times. When the sound dies, draw a Hammer and then continue the golden line to the South. Ring the bell 3 times, when the sound dies, draw a Hammer, then continue the golden line to the West. Again ring the bell 3 times, and when the sound dies, stand in the elk rune posture (z) and say:

Hail unto thee who art Sunna, Goddess of the sun,
In thy waning
Even unto thee who art Sunna,
In thy setting
Deliver another drop of purest light to empower us
With thy love
We send thee greetings from the Abodes
Of Twilight.


Sunna Adoration - Midnight

At midnight of when you go to bed (after performance of both the relaxation and Hammer Signing rituals) face your harrow to the North. With your gand (wand), staff, sword, etc. draw a line of golden light clockwise, until you face the East, ring bell or chime three (3) times. When the sound dies, draw a Hammer and then continue the golden line to the South. Ring the bell 3 times, when the sound dies, draw a Hammer, then continue the golden line to the West. Again ring the bell 3 times, then draw a Hammer. Continue the golden line to the North, ring the bell 3 times, and when the sound dies, stand in the elk rune posture ( z ) and say:

Hail unto thee who art Sunna, Goddess of the Sun
In thy rest,
Even unto thee who art Sunna,
In thy slumber
Deliver another drop of purest light to empower us
With thy peace,
We send the greetings from the Abodes
Of the night.

--------- Alternately if you prefer to do a dedication / adoration to all the gods in general, you can use the following format -------


Daily Adorations

Performed 4 times daily. Once each at sunrise, noon, sunset, and midnight. These Adorations, preceded by the Hammar Signing are performed in order to re-establish, in a person’s soul, their inner connection with the Gods of the Folk. The  Heathen Kinship has provided two versions of these Daily Adorations. The version below has been designed specifically to renew in a person’s innermost being the ages-old, genetically inherited, link with nature, and the gods of the folk. The other version, the one known as the Adoration to Sunna, was originally designed for the same purpose, and will accomplish the same thing, but experience has taught us that it will also create a very intimate link with Sunna, goddess of the sun. This link, we have found, will allow the folk to directly commune with Sunna, you can request her to shine or hide, and our experience has been that she will almost always be happy to help out. Yes! This does mean that you can control the weather. However, keep in mind that you are responsible for any changes you cause. You should never attempt to have Sunna change the weather for your own personal gain, this should only be utilized when there is great need, or when the change will benefit the whole kindred in a significant way, or when it will benefit all of Ásatrú. If we call upon Sunna for frivolous reasons, we have no reason to expect her to continue to answer us unfailingly! We have also found, through experience, that people (particularly males) with a “fiery” nature are often put under stress if they attempt to perform the Sunna adoration 4 times a days for weeks on end. Arguably this is because of some lack of internal balance, but we prefer to remain on the safe side in this, and recommend that if you experience this difficulty, you switch to the All gods Adoration described below.

Before each adoration, perform a ritual of relaxation; then perform the Hammar Signing ritual. Once the Hammar Signing is complete, proceed to the adoration. You should be facing North for the Hammar Signing. There are several layers of Mystery contained within these simple Adorations.

Sunrise: From the North, draw a Hammar, then draw a white line of power to the East. Face East. Stand in the Elhaz Stadha. Focus your thoughts on the Sun cresting the horizon far to the East. Bring to mind those elements that are represented by the East. Jotunheim, New Birth, Air. From the chaos of Jotunheim comes the change necessary for life to continue. With your mind calm and focused on Frigga, say:

Hail unto thee who art Frigga, goddess of the family.
Even unto thee who art Frigga in thy knowledge.
Deliver another drop of purest light,
To empower us with thy Goodness.
We send thee greetings from the Dawn Tide of the Day.

Noon: From the North, draw a Hammar, then draw a white line of power to the East. Draw a Hammar in the East, and then continue the white line of power to the South. Face South. Stand in the Elhaz Stadha. Focus your thoughts on the Sun shining with fiery power from its highest stead. Bring to mind those elements that are represented by the South. Muspelheim, raw energy, Fire. The power of Muspelheim can be used for destruction, or focused to aid mankind. With your mind calm and focused on Thunar, say:

Hail unto thee who art Thunar, Warder of the World.
Even unto thee who art Thunar in thy strength.
Deliver another drop of purest light,
To empower us with thy Loyalty.
We send thee greetings from the Noon Tide of the Day.

Sunset: From the North, draw a Hammar, then draw a white line of power to the East. Draw a Hammar in the East, and then continue the white line of power to the South. Draw a Hammar in the South, and then continue the white line of power to the West. Face West. Stand in the Elhaz Stadha. Focus your thoughts on the Sun sinking below the horizon far to the West. Bring to mind those elements that are represented by the West. Vanaheim, structure, Water. The stability of Vanaheim allows growth and healing; we must guard against stagnation. With your mind calm and focused on Frey and Freya, say:

Hail unto thee who art Frey & Freyja, Lord and Lady of the Folk.
Even unto thee who art Frey & Freyja in thy Freedom.
Deliver another drop of purest light,
To empower us with thy Frith.
We send thee greetings from the Abodes of Twilight.

Midnight: From the North, draw a Hammar, then draw a white line of power to the East. Draw a Hammar in the East, and then continue the white line of power to the South. Draw a Hammar in the South, and then continue the white line of power to the West. Draw a Hammar in the West, and then continue the white line of power to the North. Face North. Stand in the Elhaz Stadha. Focus your thoughts on the Sun sunken in its lowest stead. Bring to mind those elements represented by the North. Niflheim. containment, Ice. Like the Hail – rune, Niflheim contains everything that has been, and the pattern of everything that may be. It is our connection to our ancestors, and our ability to focus the Fires (Muspelheim) of our passions. With your mind calm and focused on Woden, say:

Hail unto thee who art Woden, God of Mysteries.
Even unto thee who art Grimnir in thy travels.
Deliver another drop of purest light,
To empower us with thy Wisdom.
We send thee greeting from the Abodes of the Night.