Heathen Kinship Blessings
Hammer Rite
This guide is only a rough outline designed to jog your memory when practicing. You will be given complete instructions verbally during a Heathen Kinship Way class, or feel free to approach any Godhi for help.
Face North and draw a blue hammer saying the appropriate line. Draw a blue line to the East, a blue hammer in the East saying the appropriate line. Continue with this pattern until you've completed the circle, above and below, being sure to turn clockwise and to draw the hammers for above and below. Then facing North again, draw a red hammer on top of the blue one, connecting them with red lines as above, saying the "Hammer of Thunar" line (either for each hammer, or after all are drawn, say it once at the end). The hammers will be violet in color once the blue and red images are in place. Then finish with the "Asgard and Midgard" line.
Trans: "Hammer of the North hallow and hold this holy stead!"East: "HAMMAR I AUSTRI HELGA VE THETA OK HALD VORD!"
Trans: "Hammer of the East hallow and hold this holy stead!"South: "HAMMAR I SUDHRI HELGA VE THETA OK HALD VORD!"
Trans: "Hammer of the South hallow and hold this holy stead!"West: "HAMMAR I VESTRI HELGA VE THETA OK HALD VORD!"
Trans: "Hammer of the West hallow and hold this holy stead!"Above: "HAMMAR YFIR HELGA VE THETA OK HALD VORD!"
Trans: "Hammer of above hallow and hold this holy stead!"Below: "HAMMAR UNDIR HELGA VE THETA OK HALD VORD!"
Trans: "Hammer of below hallow and hold this holy stead!"All areas: "HAMMAR I THUNAR HELGA VE THETA OK HALD VORD!"
Trans: "Hammer of Thunar hallow and hold this holy stead!"Return toface North: "UM MIK OK I MIR ASGARDH OK MIDHARDH!"
Trans: "Around me (us) and in me (us) Asgard and Midgard!"